Why Tutoring Is Beneficial for Your Dyslexic Child – 2023 Guide

Source: bluegrasslearning.com

In America, approximately 5-10% of people show some symptoms of dyslexia.

Dyslexia is a reading disorder, but it can affect other areas of learning such as spelling, writing and speaking. The severity of dyslexia symptoms varies for everyone, but it can have a profound effect on a child’s learning, and even their self-esteem.

Although many cases are diagnosed in the earlier stages of life, some people don’t know that they have dyslexia until later on in life.

If you are wondering how to teach a dyslexic child, you may want to consider extra tutoring. In some cases, children can never fully eliminate their dyslexia symptoms, but there are ways to make them more manageable.

Keep reading or click here for more information about teaching a dyslexic child and to discover the benefits of tutoring.

What Is Dyslexia?

Source: ldrfa.org

Dyslexia is a learning disorder that is characterized by difficulty reading. It hinders the ability to identify speech sounds and decode the relationship between letters and works.

Dyslexia also affects a child’s spelling, writing, and speaking. Children with dyslexia are smart, hardworking, and generally have normal vision. However, the area of the brain that processes language is affected in children with dyslexia.

The following symptoms are common in dyslexic children:

  • Slow to learn new words
  • Reversing sounds or words
  • Confusing words that sound similar
  • Difficulty remembering letters, numbers, and colors
  • Below average reading level
  • Difficulty with spelling
  • Inability to remember sequences
  • Avoiding reading activities
  • Inability to sound out new words

Although there is no cure, there are many ways to help a child manage their dyslexia. It is possible for children with dyslexia to succeed in school and life.

How to Teach a Dyslexic Child

With proper assessment, early intervention, and emotional support, children can thrive in a learning environment. There are special education programs and extra tutoring to give a child the assistance they need. If you want help teaching a dyslexic child, you can try some of the following options:

  • Extra Tutoring

Source: telegraph.co.uk

Tutoring for a dyslexic child is one of the best ways to encourage learning.

A well-trained tutor can present information to a dyslexic child in a way that they can understand. They can equip them with tools that are not provided in the traditional classroom setting.

Not only does a tutor help a dyslexic child academically, but they also help in providing the child with emotional support. Tutoring helps children build a foundation for success and a boost in confidence.

If a child is experiencing progress and growth, they will surely feel more positive about their abilities and more encouraged to keep learning.

There are tutoring programs at some schools for dyslexia that can help children with learning difficulties in many areas, including reading, writing, math, and studying. Students are not required to have a dyslexia diagnosis to take advantage of this program.

  •  Speech and Language Therapy

Source: seoulcounseling.com

Speech and language therapy can be used to help with difficulty in articulation, receptive and expressive language, and phonemic awareness.

This is a practice that parents use at home with a dyslexic child as well. Using flashcards can help with word recognition is a handy at-home activity. Additionally, listening to audiobooks can be helpful for the child rather than reading books.

Computer software and certain apps that use speech-to-text can also be useful when checking for spelling and helping with writing.

  • Tracking Progress

Source: drumzen.com

Each student is different in their abilities and they will display varying degrees of dyslexia symptoms. Well-trained educators and tutors must adjust their level of assistance depending on the individual needs of the child.

It is unlikely that they can give a time frame for improvement as this will vary drastically from child to child. It can be possible to see results within a few months, and in other situations, it may take years.

Tracking progress must be done diligently to analyze if changes need to be made to the lesson plan or tutoring style.

Why Tutoring Is Beneficial for a Dyslexic Child

Regular classroom settings cannot provide the type of learning and assistance that tutoring can. Traditional educators with larger classrooms are likely to overlook the needs of a dyslexic child. Here are some of the benefits of extra tutoring:

  • It Helps With Academic Success

Source: psmag.com

Improving the academic success of a dyslexic child is one of the most important benefits of tutoring. Providing children with the tools they need to manage their dyslexia is the main goal of tutoring.

Of course, emotional support is vital. However, academic progress and achievement will ensure that a dyslexic child is less emotionally reliant on others.

Children spend most of their young lives in the classroom. Tutoring can help make the learning environment more comfortable. A child who is struggling academically is more likely to be stressed out and uncomfortable in the classroom.

For more information on teaching a dyslexic child, check out programs that can help assist you with their academic success.

  •  It Enhances Their Problem Solving Skills

Source: familyeducation.com

Problem-solving skills are essential for success in life and learning. Extra tutoring provides the resources needed for a child navigating life with dyslexia.

Helping a child learn to problem-solve equips them for everyday life, not just in the classroom setting. These transferable skills are vital in order to develop self-confidence and independence.

  • It Boosts Their Confidence

Source: additudemag.com

Self-esteem and confidence are important for children of all abilities. With confidence, children are much more likely to engage in learning, play, and social interaction.

When a child has difficulty reading and writing at the same pace as their classmates, they are likely to feel less self-confident. This can affect other areas of the child’s life and their overall happiness.

With the help of a tutor, a child gets the tailored learning they need to succeed. Once a child begins to see their own progress, they have a change in attitude and perspective.

They begin to feel more optimistic about their abilities and grow a natural curiosity for learning and reading.

The Takeaway on Teaching a Dyslexic Child

We want all children to have the opportunity to thrive and succeed in their learning. If you want to know how to teach a dyslexic child, ensure that they receive extra tutoring to help with their academic achievement, problem-solving skills, and overall confidence.

Remember that dyslexic children also need emotional support to encourage their education and get excited about learning.